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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Change of heart, Change of mind

I have been reading this book, A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are One Thousand Gifts, by Ann Voskamp. It has been such a conviction to me and I have decided to accept the challenge. I am going to look for the joy in my day to day living and find 1000 things to thank God for.

In reading some of the author's list I realized we can be thankful for the smallest things! If you are anything like me, you generally look for bigger happenings in your life to thank God for.... but.. what about the small things. Can you imagine how much we can thank God for if we include what we consider the "small" stuff? Some of the things she puts on her list is Laughter at twilight, Glow of the front porch light, book pages turning, click of a seat belt... these are things we overlook and think of as insignificant... how wrong are we! These small things are what bring us joy all day!

In giving thanks to God for everything we gain joy in all things! A joyful life! What more can we ask for? When we are looking for things to find joy in, our whole out look will change. We will love deeper, live better... we will treat others better and in return be treated better!

I encourage you to take this challenge with me. I will put up a separate post where I can continually add to my list of thanks and would love to see what you have on your list!

Lets enter into a new life of thanks and joy!

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful for my bed at night!
    I am thankful for breakfast this morning.
    I am thankful for the kisses and hugs I received before going to bed last night!
    I am thankful for indoor plumbing!
    I am thankful for electricity.
    Wow~I really could go on and on!!!
    Thank you for the reminder Melanie. I will work on a list.
