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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

God, The Great Physician

I have had a couple PET scans since my last post. The one in January showed the tumor in the lymph node by my stomach was back... this meant the chemo I was on had stopped working. As a result we had to change to a different chemo. I has another scan last week and this time that spot had shrunk to almost non existent! This is great news and a huge answer to prayer.

I have been continuously praying.. and have had people all over the world praying for healing. It has been 3 years now that I have been battling this cancer. A year and a half of that has been stage IV "non-curable disease". In September 2010 my doctor gave me maybe 6 months... Although I still have cancer, I am still here and have cancer that keeps disappearing! I am so extremely grateful for God's grace and mercy.

Although my doctor tells me my cancer can not be cured, I know that God can cure me if He so chooses. I also know He may decide not to cure me and take me home to be with Him. BUT I will continue to pray for healing and a miracle! Thank you all for your prayers and support during this non-stop battle. I know it has been an emotional roller coaster for many people, besides myself.

Praise the Lord for His continued healing and love and grace to give me this precious time with my baby girl who is 3 1/2 years old now! I didn't think I would see this age!