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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Poem - Inside the Storm

It has been a long time since I have written poetry... I used to write all the time, and I also used to sing specials at church. All that changed when I entered this storm. Poetry and music are so personal and emotional. To write poetry I have to open myself up to my emotions and my situation and I have not been willing to do that until today.

Inside the Storm

The battle for my life had begun
Clouds rolled in, squelched the sun
My heart ached for what was to be
The rain poured down, I could not see

My friends and family closed around me
They petitioned God on bended knee
To stop the storm, stop the rain
Give me a life with much less pain

Then the storm appeared to calm down
But roared back to life, no end to be found
I struggled and struggled to find the light
Determined to not give up the fight

Again, the storm looked like it was ending
I questioned what message God was sending
As the storm again raged, swirled, and roared
I begged for my life, around me it poured

Then I found peace from inside the storm
And then, God's answer began to take form...
Make the best of the time God gives you
Spend it with the ones you love, and stay true
                                                                  Melanie Decker

Monday, July 25, 2011

From Inside the Storm

Throughout my battle I have had several people ask me how I can keep such a positive attitude... and I am guessing many more wondering how I can make it through the ups and downs without breaking down. I thought I would take some time to talk about how this works for me.

When I first found out there was a possibility I had this cancer I was scared, but also wanted to keep thinking that it will turn out to be nothing. I researched the cancer so I knew what I was looking at, but then I did everything I could to destract myself from having to think about it. Deep down though I knew I had this cancer. I just kept hoping I was wrong. Of course, I did cry a little in worry when telling my husband what they were concerned it could be, but then I went into outward denial and inward fear.

Once it was confirmed I broke down and cried. I thought about all I was going to have to go through: losing my hair, getting sick, losing my breasts, losing my chance of having more children, not being there to raise my baby, maybe losing my life and thus my baby and family... This "breakdown" lasted for a couple of hours, but then by God's grace, somehow, I was able to detach myself from it. I don't know how it happens, but it happens everytime I get more bad news. I can talk about it to people and, for the most part, feel like I am talking about someone else.

I still think about it, but normally it is a quick, passing thought. There are harder days when it hits me again what I have gone through so far, what I will go through to come, and what I have and will lose. The never ending bad news is what keeps getting me. Everytime I think I am almost done, or this is it! More bad news... it is better for me not to get my hopes up.

I am not in a support group.... nor do I want to join one. In a support group about cancer, what are we going to talk about? Cancer. I don't want to dwell on my cancer. I want to feel normal again. I don't mind talking to people, who have cancer, about our experiences, but do not want to consistently, on schedule, focus on it. I have had someone, who I do not know but met one time at the hospital, consistently calling me to talk about what treatments her husband was going through, if I found any more natural treatments, etc... I dreaded when she called. I was happy to help her at first. I thought she was going to call the one time so I could tell her my experience with the alternative treatment, but she kept calling and wanting more information.. wanting me to do research for her since they didn't have internet... it was way to much for me to deal with! As hard as it was for me to tell her "Please stop calling me" I had to. I didn't want to talk about cancer all the time. I need to focus on life.

It would be wonderful to have someone I can talk to about what I feel, how I really feel, and what is going on with me mentally and physically... BUT who really wants to hear about someone's ailments. How depressing. Yes, my family is here for me. However, I don't feel I should talk to them about it all, because it only causes them pain and frustration. No one can take it away (But God).... I try occasionally to talk to Dean (when I am really overwhelmed and depressed), but it only causes problems. He's my husband... he feels he should be able to fix things, and he can't fix this. He can't do anything about the cancer, the constant pain, the deformities, the frustrations...

I do have people consistently ask me how I am doing... I normally say "not too bad" or "tired but good". These are my generic answers... why??? Well, sometimes you never know if someone is really wanting to know or just being nice. Also, I don't want people to think that all I do is complain, and some things have become so constant (ie: pain, fatigue..) I don't think of them. When someone inquires on how things are going I tell them where I am with the cancer: the results of the last test, treatment, options. But this is just the cancer... not all of what is going on with me. Again, I feel like I am just complaining if I tell someone about pain, or side effects, or some other issue I am dealing with.

I praise the Lord for the involuntary ability to disassociate from the cancer and what it may do to me. Those times when it is full reality are so difficult to deal with. The fear, saddness, pain, and anger are overwhelming. so, the day to day issues I deal with are the side effects from all the treatments.

I try to dwell on the positive, and pray and work for more life. I want to be here to watch Mackenzie grow up. I want more time with my family and friends. Instead of dwelling on the negative I look for the positive. For example: I can't have any more kids, but Praise the Lord I had Kenzie when I did or I may not have any! I've lost everything that makes me feminine, but at least I am still here. I am in pain all the time, but it's gotten better so I know it can be worse. I've been fighting this cancer for over 2 years, but Praise the Lord I am fighting and am still here!

~In everything give thanks~

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Time Marches On

As I look back to the day I was diagnosed and when I began treatment, I am suprised to think it has now been over 2 years! Two years of chaos, confusion, and cancer. I honestly feel like my entire being has become one thing... cancer. All I ever seem to do is deal with, talk about, research, treat... cancer! I am so tired of CANCER!!! I have lost my identity to this horrible disease.

I still go through the daily routines of "living". I take care of my almost three year old baby girl. I clean the house when it needs it, make meals, do laundry, go to appointments, then go to more appointments, call the insurance company, call hospitals, try to find a babysitter twice a week so I can go to my appointment (some weeks three times) plus find someone to take me to my treatments..... A never ending list...

However, I realized recently that the motions of "living" isn't really living. I leave my house for appointments, church, the grocery store, and occasionally a quick visit at my mom's house. I am tired all the time so I've gotten into this routine that is easiest for me, but doesn't help me gain any more energy. I've lost the desire to do anything outside of what it takes to take care of my home and my family. I know most of it is because I am always tired... but the recent vacation we took showed me that it isn't just that. On this trip I was able to go to the beach and play with kenzie, walk the shoreline, rest in the afternoon, go for a drive... I was able to do these things! Yes, I was still tired and had Dean to help with Kenzie, but I was able to live!

Then I get home and go right back into the same routine that I just can't seem to break. I really have no desire to do anything extra... just what is necessary. I don't know if the cancer itself can be causing some of this or if it is just the fatigue from the last 2 years of treatments... Also, no one really asks to do anything with me so I don't make the effort to go anywhere.. plus I don't like doing things by myself. I like to be with people...

I guess I have just now realized the lack of desire to push myself to "live" a normal life... it also doesn't help that we are busy with appointments and Dean's work. I have become separated from friends... we are all busy, and I guess I understand how irritating it must be to constantly deal with a friend who has terminal cancer. I understand wanting to distance oneself from possible pain if that person passes on... it makes sense, but it doesn't make it any easier.

There really are three sets of people in my life. The ones who are with me consistently: family and church family, the friends who are busy but try to get together every once and a while, and the ones who've disappeared. The ones who are with me consistently see me more often, help with appointments or babysitting, and go through the ups and downs of cancer with me... but at times people forget that I have stage IV cancer, because although I am bald I don't look sick. This can be frustrating, because I am expected to do more then I can at times. At other times it seems no one asks me to do anything with them.. I am guessing because they think I can't do it... this makes it lonely. Plus, I feel bad always needing these people to help me with babysitting for appointments and giving rides for treatments....

I guess I say all this to make a point. Living ones life by yourself is not living at all. Life is made to be spent with those we love. Make memories, voice your love, show your feelings, sacrifice for others. Let your light shine!! A friend loveth at all times! The good, the bad, the busy... and it is a 2 way street. Something I have to work on. Be a friend not only to your friends but your family as well!

Time is short before you know it time will run out!

Just wanted to let everyone know that I was not trying to make anyone feel guilty.. nor was I thinking of any specific people. I understand people live busy lives which make it hard to get together and keep in touch. We too deal with that as well, and our schedule causes problems with getting together with people. Sorry if I made anyone feel bad... that was not my intention.