The study has approved my participation even with a possible Brian Met as we are not actively treating it. I should receive the consent form later this week, and someone from the study will call to go over it with me. They will then contact my insurance and make sure they will cover all standard of care treatment while on the study.
With the study I will have to be hospitalized on day 1 for 36 hours and after that a week later for 24 hours and again the 3rd week. This is so they can do specifically timed blood work. After this I would have a doctors exam and blood work every 28 days.
Please pray this study will work and my cancer will respond. Also, pray the spot in the brain goes away as well. The chemo in the trial does cross the blood brain barrier so if it does go away we won't really know if it is cancer or not... But I will just be happy for it to be to gone.
Pleas pray I do not have any drastic side effects and that my body can handle the side effects known to come with the drugs.
Thank you all
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