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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Time... precious time

So, I've once again reached that inevitable time... PET scan. I am always nervous when this time comes around. Especially if I have had some sign that it might be bad news. I am always prepared to hear the cancer is growing, but of course, I never want to hear that. This time around my tumor markers had gone up by 2 points and I was pretty sure my cancer was growing.

I am glad to say, my scan was clean! Praise the Lord for His many blessings and the privilege of more time! There were 2 questionable lymph nodes in my neck,  but my doctor feels it is due to infection instead of cancer. I have had whooping cough since Mother's Day so this made sense. These results couldn't come at a better time. I have been so sick, and as a result had to skip a dose of chemo and wasn't sure I could handle more while still sick. Since the scan is clean it is the perfect time to take a break.

I will get to be off chemo for a time, but will continue Herceptin which is once a week every 3 weeks. This will give me some much needed time away from appointments. I will continue physical therapy once a week, but that is close by and only takes a few hours of time rather then the whole day as chemo does.

Thank you all for your prayers. The Lord is great and He answers our prayers. I am continually praying for healing and of course.. more time.

Redeeming the Time


  1. What a blessing the read!! We are so thankful for your moments that turn into hours, days, months, and if possible years!! Hugs to you!

  2. Praise the Lord. He is good and our prayers are always with you and your family. God bless
