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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Faith, Prayer, Hope...

I've been reading this book "The boy who came back from heaven". It is about a boy who was injured in a car accident... he was actually killed and brought back. While he was in a coma his parents and many more people were praying for him around the clock. They not only believed God could heal him they knew He was going to heal him. They had complete faith that he would be healed. The dad had occasional doubts and fears but heard that still small voice telling him he would be healed.

I don't know how much of this book is real or not, but do have to say when reading it I do believe what they experienced and that God used this boy to show His power. They battled against Satan's attacks... and I know this is real as I have experienced some of these as well. Whenever things seem to be going well and God is being glorified Satan is there to bring doubt, fear, corruption... he doesn't want God to win.

Throughout this battle I have prayed so many times for God to heal me. I have prayed believing that He can heal me, but knowing that He may chose not too. Reading this book makes me wonder if I am wrong or right... is it wrong for me to know that God may choose not to heal me when I pray for healing.... or is it wrong to pray for God's healing and expect Him to do it because I believe He will? I don't really know the answer to this. I guess for me it has always boiled down to this: I do not know God's will. I KNOW He can heal me. I believe that if He chose to, He could heal me right now. I have faith that He can heal me, and I pray and hope that He does. Yet, I do not give myself false hope and tell myself that I know He WILL heal me. He has not come to me in that still small voice and told me have no fear I am going to heal you. I have not received anything like that, but I continue to pray for healing. There are times when things are looking better and I think He is going to do it, but then things get worse again... who am I to know the Will of God concerning this? Unless He tells me or gives me such strong belief I don't think I can have that knowledge.

Today I sat down and made a list of every sin I could think of that I may not have confessed so I could have a clean slate and KNOW that my prayer was being heard. While doing this my phone rang, then I got a text message... Satan was ready to interfere. I openly rebuked Satan and told him in the name of Jesus to leave me alone. I was then able to finish my prayer. I had a clean slate and felt so good. Then later I was trying to get photos edited to print at a store and had some plans fall through last minute (I found out via text) then it took way longer to do the photos, my husband was waiting at home with dinner, my daughter was throwing a fit that I wasn't there, and the order wouldn't go through! I was tired, sore, and so hungry my stomach was upset. No matter what we were trying it wouldn't work. Finally I again out loud rebuked the devil and wouldn't you know it went through. He is actively fighting us my friends. In little things, in big things, in anything to make us sin, to give us a bad day, to interfere with ministry. In anyway he can he is there to mess us up. I have found when these things happen I have to out loud rebuke him to leave me and my home in the name of Jesus and surprise, surprise things get better!

I think we don't want to think about Satan being around us, but he is here and like a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour. He doesn't want us to succeed. He doesn't want us serving the Lord. He wants us tired so we more easily sin. Fight him... know that he is there and rebuke him. God has given us that power through His sons name! He will use whatever means he can to fight us. His arsenal is large, but so is ours. We have Jesus on our side. Think about this next time you are having a bad day and things are going wrong. Think about this when you are easily sinning because of it, and stop, as Jesus to forgive you. Then tell that rotten devil to get behind you in the name of Jesus Christ! Take control of your life... take it back from the devil.

I have asked my pastor to get together another prayer session for me. It has been a couple years since anyone has laid hands on me and prayed for healing. There is power in prayer and I believe power in group prayer. All I asked is that anyone willing to pray over me would confess their sins to God and make sure they have a clean slate before God so that He can actually hear their prayers. I think this is very important and people often forget. God can not hear our prayers with sin between us. I also think it is important that I make sure I am pure before God as well. I want this prayer time to be POWERFUL! I want to feel the presence of God among us, and I pray that God will give us the confidence of  His will for me.

Keep praying, God is moving and working. He has kept me much healthier then I ever expected. He has provided for us in so many ways. He has given me strength when in reality I should be weak. He has given me the power and energy to care for my child on my own throughout this battle.

He has blessed and will continue to bless as you all pray for me. Prayer is so powerful and it is something all of us as Christians can do!


  1. Thank you so much! Your post truly spoke to my heart and I was blessed for it. It is truth that we need to have our hearts right with God before we can truly commune or talk with him. The Bible says James 6:16 that we are to confess our sins to be healed, and that the prayers of a righteous man availeth much. Truly, thank you for sharing.

    1. That was James 5:16, sorry for the type :)
